Volunteer Opportunities
There are currently no volunteer opportunities as the property is for sale. We will however offer the following openings once we have relocated.
You choose your desired space & work. Here is a list of areas that we need help with in the order of urgency;
Fundraisers, PRs, sponsor locaters & crowd-funding experts.
Carpenters. Skilled/licensed or a handy-person to help build our many structures inside & out.
Gardeners. Avid or seasoned to help us with everything from soil-prep to watering, deadheading, pruning, seed-saving & weeding.
Grounds maintenance crew to help the grounds tidy, making rock gardens & stone/rock paths,..
Forest management assistants to help tidy, stack & clear trails & paths.
Artists & sign-makers to make whimsical signs for our structures, trails & events.
Delivery-persons to pick-up & drop-off leave-bags, branches, logs, stumps & other donated items.
Event planners, organizers & assistants.