Helping you with your fundraising
It's the holidays and with that time comes the year-end push for the charities to use whatever method to raise fund one last time. But the fundraising efforts are not limited to the charities or even this time of the year.
Back in the city, I was always contacted to donate to all sorts of events. Everything from someone's kids hockey trips, music orchestra, & soccer to school supplies or wedding etc.
I haven't lived there for sometime but I can tell you that the fundraising efforts are alive & well in the country/rural as well. Here. we get what you get in the city plus the church, medical, funeral and house-fire fundraisings.
Now this is all in addition to the product launch, car trouble, school tuition, travel,..... on the fundraising platforms that we're all familiar with.
Rarely if ever do we see or hear of anyone taking a different approach to fundraising. Folks, if you are looking to raise funds for whatever, remember that your great cause is not the only great cause out there.
Guilting people into giving only works so many times. Not everyone is in a position to continuously give without any burnout or donor fatigue and when that happens...
So here is my suggestion for your next fundraising effort that will keep things fresh and beneficial for all parties.
I suggest you partner or give back and help your donors help you without hesitation or hope to get out of it.
As an example, we offer workshops & gatherings on everything from yoga, meditation, cooking, baking, arts & crafts, calligraphy and knitting/sewing to silent retreat, forest-bathing, weddings, overnight private guest-rooms, stargazing & events,

from our off-grid homestead on 50 acres of forest.
Offer your donors a chance to get out of town to attend a gathering or overnight stay in this setting. Who couldn't use some R&R?
From time-to-time, we offer to donate 50% of the proceeds from a workshop or a yoga session to a cause that is in-line with ours.
Anyway you get the point. Don't just simply ask for money. Give your donors something that they can actually use and this way not only they will participate in your fundraising efforts, they may even give a bit more since they are getting something that they need in return.