Hello creatives!
I'm organizing a craft day! It will be very casual & relaxed in-terms of arrival & departure time or the type of art & crafts. Bring your unfinished projects or start a new-one. Inspire & be inspired :)
It will be held this Saturday the 9th between 2-5pm at 122 South Knowlesville Road.
Free to share;
Sewing needles,
Electric sewing machine,(light duty),

User fee,
Material/cloth, Threads,
Wooden blocks,
Artist's paint, brushes, pencils, markers,
Picture frames of all sizes,
Paper(watercolour or mix media),
Refreshments & treats,
Indoor washrooms.
For the next few months, our non-recoverable? expense is power, specifically from our water pump use. So there will be a $1 per use fee for the indoor bathrooms.
If you are willing to use the outhouse and bring your own tools & material, there is really no other charge :)
So get away from your daily grind and stresses of life for a while as you share a few laughs with friends.
Please spread the word as we are not on FB etc.
Please note that we are a scent & smoke-free environment.
As an experiment, the event is open to older kids(9+). All well behaved kids will be invited back as we hope to repeat these gatherings every week.
Please let me know if you are coming as space is limited.
Hope to see you on Saturday :)