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To our generous donors;

Thank you ever so much for your donations!

We are not at all affiliated to any governmental or non-governmental organization so aside from our own pocket, you are our only other source of funding. 

Again, thank you :)


Thank you M & S for staying with us. We enjoyed our conversations, games & laughs. All the best in your future plans. We look forward to your possible visit again in the summer.


Thank you Joe for all of your help with attempting to fix our old technology. You truly are the best family-run gadget repair shop in town with unbelievably low-cost service. We will continue sending business your way and encourage everyone to fix rather than to throw away.


Thank you Susan for staying with us. Looking forward to seeing your documentary on our school.


Thank you Christine for choosing to stay with us during your training week and thank you for all the lessons & stories as an ethnobotanist!

Thank you Jennifer for choosing to stay with us for your training week, your students are lucky to have you!


Thank you to our amazing & extraordinary yoga teachers Celest Pereira & Christen Bakken for your teachings this past year. 


A big thank you to all of our core yogis who faithfully came to share our yoga studio with us :)


Thank you Gord for all of your insight & advice over the years. Wishing you continued sucess with your business. 


A big thanks to P.D for staying with us, conversations and sharing your wisdom.


Thanks T & L for the work :)


Thanks J.R for your continued support, for being there for me & for believing in me, every time!


Thanks K & E for your visit, generous donation and conversations. You will not be forgotten. Good luck with the next chapter :)


Thanks Robin for staying with us, the pleasure was all ours!

And thanks for the conversations and places that we've both called the home & school in this vast & beautiful country of ours. Small world indeed :)


Thanks J.R for your thoughtful natural mat-deodorizer/cleaner contribution to the yoga studio :)


Thanks Choosy for a smooth yoga session, your humor and the two new take on old poses that we had never been told about by our previous & much more experienced instructors.

Oh & thanks for the seaweed :)


Thanks J.A. for sharing your harvest with us once again this year + your delicious apple cider :)


Thanks choosy for all the lovely compost & leaves!


A big thank you to L & T WD for allowing us to park our containers on their land for so long!



Thank you so much Mark for your lovely gift!

Hoping to employ you to make the rest for money, once you're done with your current projects.


Thank you Miss Choosy for all of your lovely compost :)


Thanks WD's for the amazing eggs! :)


"Dear Darius, I am in so much awe of what you and your group have done. I would be overjoyed to receive ongoing advice and wisdom :). Thanks so much for this offering! Namaste, Jessica"

Thanks Jessica for your kind words & thank you for your donation :)


Thanks Jean for all of your mentorship, for sharing your apples, your gardens and even your leaves & your branches for our Huglekultur :) 


Thanks L.W-D for always accommodating us & your continued support :)


Thank you Babcia-Mama for coming to our rescue when we exhausted our resources :)


Thank you Mom & Dad for believing in our projects enough to provide us with that last push so that we could finish the main-building :)


Thank you Norbert for your $20 donation, for believing in what I'm trying to achieve here & for words of encouragement. You are too kind :)


Thank you so much Norbert my new friend for donating your time. It's amazing how much extra work we managed to do in only two hours!

I really enjoyed our conversations on such a beautiful & productive day :)


Thanks T. W-D for your wisdom, always being in a good mood, seeing value in what I'mtrying to do here & always sharing :)


Thanks Wanda for your donation of the skies :)

Hope you're able to come for a visit once we are officially open :)



Thanks Jenna for the chest. I refinished it & am now using it to display our yoga mats in it :)

Also thank you for the ride & the amazing conversation!


Thanks Aaron for your tips on the local tree recognition/identification/growth,... :)

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